How to stay safe while working as a sexual worker in singapore (online ♡)


From examples of many sad stories around the world , 

I know working as a sexual worker 
is not always a choice
But you also know your boundaries well enough to be working just online  or maybe more it's up to you

For Girls  working in cam or live, u  have to protect yourself and stop being naive that guys will promise to keep discreet and not disclosing your face masturbating video or skype 

Guys are really so good at Not keeping promise and 99% a liar . There is so much leak news ,showing you little warnings of what you shouldn't do.

You can have fun and also earn a part time but do stay safe ,
Never ever show your face in pictures or skype or even videos. Since its not a long term job right ?

You will definetely get judge by friend or parents and  even want to die afterwards

So never do things that make u regret if you are 18, 20s, or 25 ? 

If you need money so badly, u can sell without face or even go under a agency to get paid for eating and talking to him Without touch ,kiss or sex service needed which is totally safe .Unless you can't resist the huge money temptation . 
Your gone your choice

For me i can resist cause  , i dont want to be a total slave for money and  lose myself 

If there is no choice and i got so poor to a point 
I would rather choose death then selling myself for those real sex service 
which make you lose your true self

Anyway here is all for the day ,

I receive hundreds

of sex service messages but i'm used to it

I will still stick to working virtually online

if there is a must i  will prefer go eat and date at open area . It is under agency which is 2hr $250.
so if they touch me i can walk away
since its against rules for touching stated in their platform


If you are a guy or girl that need to talk to someone
 but no one there to help you ?

Come for my services 
I would gladly  be there for u 

Sex chat  /question about sex issue 

Or your sex issue with partners /love life 

Enquiry about sex ☑ enquiry about working online 

As a sex worker 


20 min sex text guidance $45

30min sex text guidance  $55

(suitable for guys ) 

30min sex text services $60

40min sex text services $70

include pic to help u release 

