Ferrari vs Honda Kind of Customer ♡

Seen this reels  explanation above

And  i find it really a good talk  ! 

1)Explanation of why should 

You sell  it expensive , affordable 

for the middle class 

2)Why u should reply to customer 

  who are able to pay first instead 

  of those who are  still wavy and still 

  thinking , those who 

  haven't think through chances 

  are low and are very indecisive 

 Selling a ferrari is always easier 

 then selling a  honda car for example

Ferrari is a person who is rich person

that and will pay immediately (Fast )

If he has eye on getting it.

A honda( cheap) customer has less 

purchasing power 💰 

So they will delay and delay asking many

and fake promise saying they will pay.

U must see clearly and make sure what 

kind  of customer u are replying to 

before futher replying  . 

Look at the time you have chatted 

with him/her and stop chatted if you 

feel he is not paying 

A straight forward reply will be good 

during your first chat / reply so u can 

tell if  he is sincere in purchasing  . 

After working in this line you do 

get alot issues , slowly

U will understand after a long time  

And after filtering out the non sincere 

customers life gets better  ♡

Not everyone deserve a second chance 

If they come and make fun of peoples Job 

Saying yes and but don't pay after

all the talks . Do not delay what you are 

busy with in hand or pause your lunch

dinner , cooking time just to reply 

And end up hungry my regrets.

A real customer Won't run away.

To Those who don't  respect people's 

job, one day they will experience it too 

so no need to be angry or  mad about it

Bad things happens for a reason . 

So now i do not get angry about their 

childishness  .

Bad things happened for a reason 

Bad thing happen to make you change ,

make you think , force yourself to grow 

and  one day  you will be rich ,

saving more than 

What other do and end working problems 

Make life better by understanding

Love & Cheers from Candyuwu   ♡
